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Job Vacancy Survey Statistics Canada: Insights For Job Seekers

Help Wanted Canadian job vacancies rise by 16 per cent
Help Wanted Canadian job vacancies rise by 16 per cent from


What is the Job Vacancy Survey?

The Job Vacancy Survey is a survey conducted by Statistics Canada to gather data on job vacancies in the Canadian labor market. It is conducted quarterly and covers all sectors of the economy.

Why is the Job Vacancy Survey Important?

The Job Vacancy Survey is important because it provides valuable information about the state of the labor market. It helps job seekers understand which industries have the most job vacancies and where they should focus their job search.

Key Findings from the Latest Job Vacancy Survey

According to the latest Job Vacancy Survey, which was conducted in the first quarter of 2023, there were a total of 631,000 job vacancies in Canada. This represents an increase of 2.3% from the previous quarter.

Which Industries had the Most Job Vacancies?

The survey found that the healthcare and social assistance industry had the most job vacancies, with a total of 125,000. This was followed by the retail trade industry, which had 85,000 job vacancies.

Which Provinces had the Most Job Vacancies?

Ontario had the most job vacancies of any province, with a total of 226,000. This was followed by Quebec, which had 119,000 job vacancies.

What Does this Mean for Job Seekers?

If you are a job seeker, the latest Job Vacancy Survey provides valuable insights into where you should focus your job search. The healthcare and social assistance industry and the retail trade industry are both good places to start looking for job opportunities.

What Other Industries have High Job Vacancy Rates?

Other industries that had high job vacancy rates included accommodation and food services, construction, and professional, scientific, and technical services.

What are the Most In-Demand Occupations?

According to the Job Vacancy Survey, the most in-demand occupations were registered nurses, software developers, and sales representatives.


The Job Vacancy Survey provides valuable insights into the state of the Canadian labor market. Job seekers should pay attention to the industries and occupations that have high job vacancy rates, as these are the areas where there are likely to be the most job opportunities.

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