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Should I Put My Pronouns On My Resume?

Should I Put My Pronouns On My Resume Resume Samples
Should I Put My Pronouns On My Resume Resume Samples from

The Importance of Pronouns

In recent years, discussions around pronouns and their importance in creating an inclusive and respectful environment have gained significant traction. Pronouns are a way for individuals to express their gender identity and for others to address them respectfully. As such, it is crucial to consider including pronouns on your resume.

The Pros of Including Pronouns on Your Resume

By including your pronouns on your resume, you signal to potential employers that you are aware of the importance of inclusivity and diversity in the workplace. This can give you an edge over other candidates who have not taken this step. Additionally, it allows potential employers to address you correctly and respectfully, which can help build a positive rapport from the outset.

The Cons of Including Pronouns on Your Resume

One potential downside of including your pronouns on your resume is that it may unintentionally reveal information about your gender identity that you may not want to disclose. Additionally, some employers may have discriminatory attitudes towards certain gender identities and may use this information to make biased hiring decisions.

How to Include Pronouns on Your Resume

If you decide to include your pronouns on your resume, there are a few different ways to do so. One option is to simply add them to your name line or contact information section, such as "Jane Doe (she/her/hers)" or "John Smith - Pronouns: he/him/his." Alternatively, you can create a separate section titled "Pronouns" and list them there.

Alternatives to Including Pronouns on Your Resume

If you are not comfortable including your pronouns on your resume, there are alternative ways to signal your support for inclusivity and diversity. For example, you can mention any involvement you have had with diversity and inclusion initiatives or organizations, or include a statement in your cover letter expressing your commitment to creating an inclusive workplace.


In conclusion, whether or not to include your pronouns on your resume is a personal decision. However, given the growing importance of inclusivity and diversity in the workplace, it is worth considering this option. By including your pronouns, you can signal to potential employers that you are committed to creating a respectful and inclusive environment, which can give you an edge in the hiring process. If you choose not to include your pronouns, there are alternative ways to demonstrate your commitment to inclusivity and diversity. Ultimately, the most important thing is to be true to yourself and express your gender identity in a way that feels comfortable and authentic to you.


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