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What Happens If I Do Not Meet Scholarship Requirements?

What Happens if You Get a Scholarship and Don’t Go to College?
What Happens if You Get a Scholarship and Don’t Go to College? from

There are many advantages to earning a scholarship, such as having the financial means to pursue a higher education. However, scholarships come with strict requirements that must be met in order to receive and maintain the award. If you do not meet these requirements, there can be serious consequences. Here’s what you need to know about what can happen if you don’t meet scholarship requirements.

Your Scholarship Can Be Revoked

The most common consequence of not meeting scholarship requirements is that the scholarship can be revoked. This means that you will no longer receive the funds that were awarded to you for the academic year. Typically, you will be notified of the revocation in writing and given a chance to appeal the decision. However, if your appeal is denied, you will need to find an alternate way to pay for college.

You May Not Be Eligible for Other Scholarships

Another consequence of not meeting scholarship requirements is that you may become ineligible for other scholarships. For example, many scholarship programs require applicants to have a minimum GPA or to have completed a certain number of college credits. If you fail to meet these requirements, you may be disqualified from applying for future scholarships.

You Could Lose Your College Admittance

In some cases, not meeting scholarship requirements can even lead to the loss of your college admittance. For example, if you are awarded a scholarship by a university, it is likely that you will be required to maintain a certain GPA in order to remain eligible for the funds. If you fail to meet this requirement, you may be asked to leave the university.

You Can Be Penalized Financially

In some cases, not meeting scholarship requirements can also result in financial penalties. For example, if you are awarded a scholarship that requires you to complete certain academic requirements, such as a certain number of credits or a certain GPA, you may be required to pay back a portion of the money if you do not meet those requirements. Additionally, if you are asked to leave a university due to not meeting the scholarship requirements, you may be responsible for paying back any tuition costs that were covered by the scholarship.

You May Need to Find Other Sources of Financial Aid

If you are unable to meet the scholarship requirements, you may need to find other sources of financial aid in order to pay for college. Depending on your financial situation, you may be able to apply for grants, loans, or work-study programs. Additionally, you may be able to take advantage of other forms of aid, such as tuition reimbursement programs or employer-sponsored scholarships.

You May Need to Take an Academic Leave

In some cases, not meeting scholarship requirements can also mean that you need to take an academic leave. An academic leave is a period of time where you are not enrolled in classes and are able to focus on improving your academic performance. During this time, you can work to meet the requirements of the scholarship and get back on track.

You May Need to Look for Other Scholarship Opportunities

If you are unable to meet the requirements of your current scholarship, you may need to look for other scholarship opportunities. There are a variety of scholarships available to students from a variety of backgrounds and interests. Additionally, you may be able to apply for scholarships that are specifically designed for students who have struggled academically in the past.


Failing to meet scholarship requirements can have serious consequences. It is important to understand the requirements of your scholarship and work to meet them in order to maintain your eligibility for the award. If you are unable to meet the requirements, it is important to find alternate sources of financial aid in order to pay for college.

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