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What You Need To Know About Keeping Hpsp Dental Navy Scholarship Requirements In 2023

Medical and dental hpsp flyer 2014
Medical and dental hpsp flyer 2014 from


The Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) is a training program designed to provide financial assistance to individuals pursuing a career in dentistry in the United States Navy. The program provides full tuition and fees for dental school, as well as a monthly stipend for living expenses. In exchange, participants must commit to four years of service in the Navy following dental school graduation.

Although the program is an excellent opportunity for those interested in a career in dentistry, maintaining eligibility and meeting the requirements of the program is no easy task. In this article, we will discuss some of the key requirements of the HPSP Dental Navy Scholarship and how to keep them in 2023. Read on to learn more.

Maintaining Eligibility

The Navy requires participants in the HPSP to maintain a certain level of academic performance in order to remain eligible for the scholarship. This means that participants must maintain a satisfactory GPA and remain in good academic standing in order to remain eligible for the scholarship. If a participant's grades fall below the required level, they may be placed on academic probation and may be required to take additional courses in order to retain their eligibility.

Additionally, participants must also maintain a satisfactory level of physical fitness in order to remain eligible for the scholarship. This means that participants must pass the Navy's physical fitness test each year in order to remain eligible for the scholarship.

Service Requirements

In exchange for participation in the HPSP, participants must agree to serve in the Navy following dental school graduation. This means that participants must serve a minimum of four years in the Navy after graduation, and they are also required to make themselves available for deployment if necessary.

In addition, participants must also complete all of their dental training requirements in order to remain eligible for the scholarship. This includes attending all required training sessions and completing all required examinations. Failure to do so may result in a participant's removal from the program.

Financial Requirements

The HPSP provides full tuition and fees for dental school, as well as a monthly stipend for living expenses. In order to remain eligible for the scholarship, participants must agree to use the stipend for their living expenses only. Additionally, participants must also agree to return any unused funds to the Navy at the end of the program.

Additionally, participants must also agree to use the scholarship funds only for their educational expenses. This means that they must use the funds to pay for tuition, fees, and other educational expenses related to their dental studies. Failure to do so may result in a participant's removal from the program.


The HPSP is an excellent opportunity for those interested in pursuing a career in dentistry in the United States Navy. However, it is important to remember that maintaining eligibility and meeting the requirements of the program is no easy task. In this article, we discussed some of the key requirements of the HPSP Dental Navy Scholarship and how to keep them in 2023.

If you're interested in applying for the HPSP, it is important to make sure that you understand and meet all of the requirements of the program. Doing so will help ensure that you remain eligible for the scholarship and can take advantage of all of its benefits.

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