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Job Openings And Labor Turnover Survey: A Comprehensive Overview For 2023

Calculated Risk Schedule for Week of September 7th


The Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, commonly known as JOLTS, is a survey conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in the United States. It provides valuable information about the labor market, including job openings, hires, separations, and other aspects of employment. The survey is conducted on a monthly basis and is used by policymakers, economists, and businesses to gauge the health of the labor market. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the JOLTS survey for the year 2023.

Background of JOLTS Survey

The JOLTS survey was first introduced in December 2000 and was modeled after a similar survey conducted by the Conference Board. The survey is conducted among a sample of approximately 16,000 establishments across the United States, including both private and public sectors. It covers a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, retail trade, construction, and healthcare. The primary objective of the survey is to provide information about job openings, hires, and separations, which are important indicators of the health of the labor market.

Key Findings of JOLTS Survey

The JOLTS survey provides a wealth of information about the labor market. Here are some of the key findings for the year 2023:

Job Openings

In 2023, the JOLTS survey found that there were approximately 7.1 million job openings in the United States. This represents a slight increase from the previous year. The industries with the most job openings were healthcare, professional and business services, and accommodation and food services.


The survey found that there were approximately 5.4 million hires in 2023. This represents a slight increase from the previous year. The industries with the most hires were healthcare, retail trade, and accommodation and food services.


The survey found that there were approximately 5.1 million separations in 2023. This represents a slight decrease from the previous year. The most common type of separation was quits, followed by layoffs and discharges.

Implications for the Labor Market

The JOLTS survey provides valuable information about the health of the labor market. The number of job openings, hires, and separations can be used to gauge the level of demand for labor and the overall state of the economy. In 2023, the slight increase in job openings and hires suggests that the labor market is continuing to grow, albeit at a slow pace. The slight decrease in separations suggests that workers are feeling more secure in their jobs and are less likely to quit or be laid off.

Uses of JOLTS Survey

The JOLTS survey is used by a wide range of stakeholders, including policymakers, economists, and businesses. Here are some of the key uses of the survey:

Policy Making

The JOLTS survey is used by policymakers to gauge the health of the labor market and to make decisions about monetary and fiscal policy. The survey provides valuable information about the level of demand for labor, which can be used to inform decisions about interest rates and other policy levers.

Economic Analysis

The JOLTS survey is used by economists to analyze trends in the labor market and to make predictions about future economic growth. The survey provides a wealth of data about job openings, hires, and separations, which can be used to inform economic models and forecasts.

Business Planning

The JOLTS survey is used by businesses to inform their hiring and retention strategies. The survey provides valuable information about the level of competition for labor in different industries and regions, which can be used to inform decisions about compensation, benefits, and other human resource policies.

Criticism of JOLTS Survey

Despite its many benefits, the JOLTS survey has been criticized by some for its limitations. Here are some of the key criticisms of the survey:

Sample Size

The JOLTS survey is based on a relatively small sample size of approximately 16,000 establishments. Some critics argue that this is not large enough to provide an accurate representation of the entire labor market.


The JOLTS survey is conducted on a monthly basis, which some critics argue is not frequent enough to capture the rapidly changing dynamics of the labor market.

Definition of Job Openings

The definition of job openings used in the JOLTS survey has been criticized by some for being too narrow. The survey only counts job openings that are actively being recruited for, which may not capture all of the potential demand for labor.


The Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey is a valuable tool for understanding the health of the labor market in the United States. In 2023, the survey found that the labor market is continuing to grow, albeit at a slow pace. The survey is used by policymakers, economists, and businesses to inform their decisions and strategies. While the survey has its limitations, it remains an important source of information about the labor market.

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